Accident & Critical Illness Plan: Accident and illness policies cover the most problems, such as broken bones, dislocation of bones ligament injury, etc and Critical illness.
Benefits: Accidental Injury, and other critical Illness (Vet Bills and medical expenses for Accidental injury and Critical Illness).
Coverage Limit:
BDT 20,000, BDT 40,000 & BDT 80,000.
Policy Term: Yearly.
Age at Entry: 8 weeks -15 years
Reimbursement: The Claim will be reimbursed to the Insured.
A period continuing for 12 calendar months beginning on the start date of the insurance. Each 12-month policy period beginning on the anniversary of the start date of the insurance.
Any condition, injury or illness that; Has happened or has shown early signs or symptoms; or Has the same diagnosis or signs and/or symptoms as a condition your pet has already had; or Is caused by, relates to, or results from, an injury, illness or condition your pet had, before your pet was covered by this insurance. No matter where the injury, illness or signs are noticed or happen in, or on, your pet’s body
A condition that may come back or that the pet is prone to, no matter how many times the condition comes back or how many areas of the body are affected
Any vet fees for necessary examinations, consultations, advice, tests, x-rays, surgery, prescribed drugs or medication, nursing or care given by or under the direction of a vet during a period of insurance.
A qualified veterinary surgeon currently registered to practice in the country in which treatment is received. Vet fees Reasonable and necessary fees charged by a vet for an eligible condition for treatment.
The following conditions apply to the whole of the policy.
1. Your pet mustn’t be younger than eight weeks or older than the age shown on the policy schedule at the start date of the insurance.
2. Your pet must be in good health on the start date of the insurance.
3. You are the owner of the pet named on the schedule and your pet lives with you, in the Bangladesh, at the address shown on the schedule.
4. You must always take proper care of your pet and also pay to have any treatment normally recommended by a vet to prevent illness or injury.
5. You must keep to the conditions of this policy otherwise all cover may be invalid from the start date of the insurance.
1. Duly completed Claim form ( Download claim form ).
2. Vaccination Certificates .
3. Vet Medical Papers and Bill (in case of Claims under Surgery Expenses & Hospitalisation Cover.
4. Hospital bill (in case of Claim under Hospitalization).
5. Diagnostic Report (in case of Claim under Terminal Diseases Cover, Long Term Care Cover.
6. Any other documents if required by the Company to process the Claim.