Hotline: 16457
  • To provide compensation in the event of an accident causing death or injury
  • The purpose of personal accident insurance is to pay fixed compensation for death or disablement resulting from accidental bodily injury.
  • Personal accident and sickness policies are renewable annually and if a claim has occurred which could be of a recurring nature, the cover may be restricted at renewal or in severe cases renewal may not be offered
  • It is against accident happening at any time and anywhere including flying as a ticket holding passenger in an aircraft operated by an Air Transport organization providing scheduled air services.
  • Table A
  • Table B
  • Table C
  • Death permanent and temporary disablements
  • Death permanent total and partial disablements.
  • Death only.
Table A Table B Table C
Class 1 TK.30.00 TK 12.50 TK 8.50
Class 2 TK.40.00 TK 16.00 TK 11.00
Class 3 TK.50.00 TK 21.00 TK 15.00
  • Annual Premium for Sum Insured of Tk.10, 000.
  • For Ages between 16 and 65 years.
  • Larger compensation medical expenses can be included under Table “A” at an additional premium @10% of basic premium.
  • Issued where there is some common relationship among the persons to be insured.
  • Same as personal accident policy.
  • Sum-insured is limited Tk.1, 00,000/-
  • Premium very low –Tk.60/-

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Green Delta Insurance

Green Delta Insurance Company Limited (GDIC) is one of the leading private non life insurance companies in Bangladesh. GDIC was incorporated in December 14, 1985 as a public limited company, under the Companies' Act 1913 and its operation started on 1st January 1986, with a paid up capital of BDT 30.00 million.

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