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EO Bangladesh holds the 1st ever Exclusive Learning Session on Profit, Cash Flow & Business Valuation


Entrepreneur Organization (EO) Bangladesh has recently organized an Exclusive Leaning Session with the Finance Guru – Mr. Alan Miltz, on 25th April 2019 at The City Bank Center in Dhaka. The session with Mr. Alan Miltz presented the attendees with an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and exchange views through an interactive session. Besides Ms. Farzanah Chowdhury (President, EO Bangladesh), Hossain Khaled (Founding President, EO Bangladesh) and Mr. Mashrur Arefin (MD & CEO, City Bank Center), other distinguished members of EO Bangladesh, employees of City Bank Ltd., Green Delta Insurance, Grameenphone Ltd., Gemcon Group, Munshi, Aman group, Anwar group, Shasha Denim, Tex Bangladesh, eGeneration, Kazi IT, Jayson Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Snehasish and City brokerage were present at the workshop.